Desenvolvemento en PHP con Symfony: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 84: Liña 84:
<div {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'output') }}></div>
<div {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'output') }}></div>

<div data-controller="slideshow">
<button data-action="slideshow#previous"> ← </button>
<button data-action="slideshow#next"> → </button>

<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🐵</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙈</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙉</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙊</div>


<source lang='js' style='font-size:80%'>
<source lang='js' style='font-size:80%'>

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "slide" ]

initialize() {
this.index = 0

next() {

previous() {

showCurrentSlide() {
this.slideTargets.forEach((element, index) => {
element.hidden = index != this.index

export default class extends Controller {
export default class extends Controller {
Liña 101: Liña 141:

===Programando la aplicación ===
===Programando la aplicación ===
bin/console make:controller MainController
bin/console make:controller MainController

Revisión como estaba o 18 de outubro de 2022 ás 22:38

Esta guía se basa en Symfony 4.4[notas 1]

Instalación e Configuración


  • apt install php-symfony
  • apt install composer

Inicio da Aplicación

composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton:"^4.4" my_project_directory

composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"^4.4" my_project_directory

  • annotations

composer require sensio/framework-extra-bundle composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle yarn install

After installing Encore, your app already has a few files, organized into an assets/ directory:






With Encore, think of your app.js file like a standalone JavaScript application: it will require all of the dependencies it needs (e.g. jQuery or React), including any CSS. Your app.js file is already doing this with a JavaScript import statement:

Construye el CSS y JS con webpack yarn watch || yarn dev || yarn build

Engadimos jquery yarn add jquery --dev

"Recompilamos" css y js yarn dev

 * Welcome to your app's main JavaScript file!
 * We recommend including the built version of this JavaScript file
 * (and its CSS file) in your base layout (base.html.twig).

// any CSS you import will output into a single css file (app.css in this case)
import './styles/app.css';

// start the Stimulus application
import './bootstrap';

import $ from 'jquery'

// import funcion_exportada from "./nombrefichero"

$(document).ready(function() {
        alert("Start !");

Stimulus & Symfony UX


Method Invoked by Stimulus… initialize() Once, when the controller is first instantiated connect() Anytime the controller is connected to the DOM disconnect() Anytime the controller is disconnected from the DOM

<div {{ stimulus_controller('say-hello') }}>
    <input type="text" {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'name') }}>

    <button {{ stimulus_action('say-hello', 'greet') }}>

    <div {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'output') }}></div>

<div data-controller="slideshow">
  <button data-action="slideshow#previous"></button>
  <button data-action="slideshow#next"></button>

  <div data-slideshow-target="slide">🐵</div>
  <div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙈</div>
  <div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙉</div>
  <div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙊</div>
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = [ "slide" ]

  initialize() {
    this.index = 0

  next() {

  previous() {

  showCurrentSlide() {
    this.slideTargets.forEach((element, index) => {
      element.hidden = index != this.index

export default class extends Controller {
    static targets = ['name', 'output']

  connect() {
    console.log("Hello, Stimulus!", this.element)

    greet() {
	this.outputTarget.textContent = `Hello ${this.nameTarget.value}!`

Programando la aplicación

bin/console make:controller MainController

Microservizos e APIs


  1. Esta guía utilizará Symfony 4.4 porque a versión soportada na actual Debian Stable bullseye.